9th August of every year is observed as International Day of the World’s Indigenous People, across the world. It is observed to protect the rights like their social, economic, and political rights of the indigenous people. This day acknowledges the indigenous people’s contribution and their achievements. They stay unique with their unique culture, tradition, clothing, languages and knowledge systems.

The Human Rights Commission took a resolution to take care of the issues of Indigenous people that was set up by the Permanent United Nations Forum presented by the Social and Economic council in the year 2000. The Forum focused on the Indigenous people’s education, economic and social development, Human rights, Health. The main focus of the Forum is to strengthen international cooperation for solving the problems faced by the global indigenous population.
Every year, UNESCO addresses the multiple challenges faced by the Indigenous people on this day and UNESCO acknowledges their role in sustaining world’s culture and seeks support. They also share updates and activities based on the annual theme. There are about 300 – 500 million indigenous people living across the world in about 90 countries. They show a vast diversity with their unique clothing, culture, traditions, language and also have special relationship with nature.
The theme of the 2021 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People will aim on “Leaving no one behind: Indigenous peoples and the call for a new social contract”. The event will feature with an interactive virtual session for speakers to discuss that focus on reintroducing a new social contract for the people where their forms of governance and their lives, culture must be respected and based on their free, prior and informed consent.
This International Indigenous Peoples day is an opportunity to Celebrate, Honor and Respect Indigenous Peoples knowledge and traditions.